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hot spraying中文是什么意思

用"hot spraying"造句"hot spraying"怎么读"hot spraying" in a sentence


  • 热喷射
  • 热喷涂


  • Development of hot spraying technique for corn stalk fodder
  • To prevent magnetic leak , improve the abrasiveness and the anti - eroding ability , the author have spent lots of time in researching the hot spraying method and acquired many practical useful data and experience
  • Based on the comparison of the restoring features of several common journal dimensions and in accordance with the shaft wearing character of large water pump , the treatment technique applying brush coast and hot spraying was discussed
    摘要在比较几种常用轴颈尺寸修复特点的基础上,根据大型水泵轴轴承位磨损特徵, ?述了采用电刷镀和热喷涂处理技术修复水泵轴的工艺方法。
  • The new sludge treatment equipment belt type filter press spate separation industry sludge treatment equipment , sludge treatment equipment and so on sludge treatment equipment belt type filter press use effect anti - corrosive wearability outward appearance achieves surpasses the import sludge treatment equipment , belt filter press main engine guaranteed usable one year , the sludge treatment equipment belt type filter press lifelong maintains , main bearing guaranteed usable three years , rack main body hot spraying guaranteed usable five years
用"hot spraying"造句  
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